Vacancy for BE Developer

Post Title: Backend Developer
Job Nature: Full time (with 6 months of probation)

Although educational credentials do matter, DC is inclined towards hiring those who are passionate about their work.

Scope of work:

The applicant will have the following roles and responsibilities:

●  Write clean codes giving importance to the code quality

●  Write codes on clearly defined and scoped features or modules

●  Conduct timely code reviews

●  Take an active part in the design and project scope discovery process


  • ExperienceddevelopersarewelcomebutaspiringFresherswithgood programming skills can apply.
  • ❏  SkillslikeRubyonRails, Java, and Python are encouraged.
  • ❏  WritequeriesinSQL
  • ❏  Convertspecificationsanddesignsintoworkingcodes
  • ❏  Workingknowledgeofrelationaldatamodelsandcontinuousintegration


  • ❏  Familiaritywithscrum/agile working methodologies.
  • ❏  Creativeideaswithaproblem-solving mindset.
  • ❏  Beopentoreceivingobjectivecriticismandimprovinguponit.
  • ❏  Beagreatteamplayerandeffectivecommunicator.
  • ❏  Goodoralandwrittencommunicationskillswillbeadvantageous.

Benefits of being part of team Dragon Coders

❖ Competitiveandexperience&skillbasedsalary. ❖ Freeworkinglunch.
❖ Hardwareallowance.
❖ Flexible worktime.

❖ Friendlyandconduciveworkenvironment. ❖ Continuouslearningandcareergrowth.

Aspiring candidates are invited to send their CV to [email protected] or [email protected]t by 27th May 2022.

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